The last of my Errol Flynn tribute. All these Flynn pics were scanned from stills, original and repro, from my own collection.
Flynn with Ann Sheridan in Lewis Milestones riveting "Edge of Darkness". Certainly one of the most intense and serious films either one of those great stars ever appeared in.
Flynn Shaking down Ward Bond for some info about a murder in "Dodge City". On the left is Guinn "Big Boy" Williams and on the right is, of course, Alan Hale.
Another still from "Desperate Journey". Once again Alan Hale has a hilarious expression on his face!
A hilarious scene from "They Died with Their Boots On", the last film Flynn and Oliva appeared together in and the only one where their characters got married. Warner's take on the story of General Custer is practically worthless as history but is a damn entertaining film! Sidney Greenstreet's appearance in the film is worth his weight in gold (and that's a LOT!)
Flynn once again with Ann Sheridan in the western "Silver River".
Flynn with S.Z. "Cuddles" Sakall and Alexis Smith in "Montana", a film i have yet to see! ======================================A few more stills from the films of the dashing, devil-may-care Mr Flynn!
A great shot from "Captain Blood"!
Olivia . . .*sigh*
Olivia deHavilland with Flynn on her left and Warner's saphead go-to-guy Patrick Knowles on her right in a publicity still for "Charge of the Light Brigade". This was one of 3 films where Olivia ends up with Patrick Knowles at the end of the film, bleh!! Flynn gives a first-rate performance in this film and the final battle scene is incredible!
Flynn at his best in "The Adventures of Robin Hood", undoubtedly the role he is most associated with. Hands down this should have won the Best Picture Oscar in 1938! Interesting to note that co-Star Olivia deHavilland appeared in four technicolor films during 1938-39. This one, two other Flynn films and the fourth of course being "Gone with the Wind". I wonder if any other actress had appeared in that many color films during the 1930's?
There's Flynn with that Saphead again!
Flynn with another Warner's lovely, Brenda Marshall, in the "Sea Hawk". I dont rate this quite as high as "Captain Blood" but it's still a fine film with great production values, a terrific cast, excellent battle scenes, a rousing score and of course, Alan Hale!=========================================A few stills of one of my all-time fave actors, Errol Flynn! I dont think anyone would argue that Flynn was incredibly handsome, had great charisma and an undeniable screen presence but i also feel his acting chops are quite unjustly overlooked. No doubt he had a limited range but put him in a role suitable to that range and it will be impossible to think of anyone else in that role ever again! In addition to his unforgettable turns in films like "Captain Blood", "The Adventures of Robin Hood" and "Gentleman Jim" he gave credible and effective dramatic performances in "The Dawn Patrol", "Objective Burma" and "Edge of Darkness".
Flynn with my favorite actress Olivia deHavilland *sigh* in the film that made stars of them both, "Captain Blood". For my money one of the greatest action-adventure-romance films of all time. A tremendously entertaining picture!
An intense scene from "Captain Blood" with Flynn and up and coming Warner Bros. actor Ross Alexander, who tragically died by by his own hand just 2 years after this film was released.
Flynn with Frank McHugh and Alan Hale right behind him in a scene from my fave of all of his westerns "Dodge City".
Flynn, Alan Hale (look at the expression on his face!), Arthur Kennedy, Rondald Reagan and Ronald Sinclair in a scene from the silly and fun over-the-top war time film "Desperate Journey"
Flynn in the center with a 2nd rate actor who became a 3rd rate president, Ronald Reagan, on the left and a 1st rate actor who remained a 1st rate actor throughout his entire career, Arthur Kennedy, on the right, in another scene from "Desperate Journey"
Flynn sporting some fancy duds in "San Antonio". More Flynn stills to come! CLICK NOW
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