Here is the selection of actors whose appearance does not correspond to Hollywood, but nevertheless they have become popular and loved. 1. Peter Hayden Dinkleydzh (born June 11, 1969) - American film and theater actor. He began his career in 1995, wide fame came after a starring role in 2003 Postmaster. Dinkleydzh born with a hereditary disease - achondroplasia, resulting in dwarfism. His height 135 cm. Both his parents of average height, as well as his brother Jonathan.
2 Matthew McGrory had half-meter rise at the end of kindergarten, and in adulthood has grown to 2.29 meters. Low chest voice and innate artistry would not let him continue his career medical examiner. At first, he was invited to appear on a popular TV show and clips Marilyn Manson and Iron Maiden, and then in horror films like "House of a thousand corpses" Rob Zombie. In the final scene of "Big Fish" Tim Burton McGrory touching waving the protagonist, as if touching bids farewell to the audience - and although we know that he later played in several horror movies, it seems that this charming giant says goodbye to us. Matthew McGrory died of natural causes at the age of 32 year.

3.Dzhonni Eck was born in 1911 with the body ends where it should be hip. Being a man is surprisingly cheerful and the American pragmatic, he extracted the maximum benefit from this circumstance. At age 14, he already had his own circus show in which his own juggling, dived and danced better than many owners of a full set of limbs. Soon he have noticed and film productions; the peak of his career was the cult gothic horror 1932 "Freaks." Johnny Eck died in wealth and honor in 1991, and to perpetuate his image 10 years promises to Leonardo DiCaprio.

4.Kurt Schneider, aka Harry Earl, was born in Germany in 1902. It soon became clear that it will forever remain with dwarfism and children, doll face, and the same fate befell his two sisters and one brother. Together they represent a phantasmagoric spectacle. After moving to the United States, Schneider family turned into an artistic troupe of "Baby Doll". Harry was the first to act in films, his debut role was a dwarf Tvidldi a silent movie, "The Unholy Trinity". All four representatives narodtse played munchkins in the legendary "Wizard of Oz" with Judy Garland, circus midgets in a "freak" and entered the history of cinema as the main "cinematic dwarfs."

5.Ty remember Richard Kila on the role of James Bond's enemy stalezubogo nicknamed "Jaws" from the movie "The Spy Who Loved Me" and "Moonraker." Height 217 cm and intimidating person ever provided him with a pathological role of villain, even in the "Inspector Gadget", 1999, he played a parody of himself. This provided Kila financially, but his creative ambitions extend much further. So, Kyle became a writer and producer failed at the box office, but a favorite of critics, film-drama "Giant with Thunder Mountain" and co-authored a biography of Muhammad Ali. Kyl recently recovered from alcoholism and is now alive and well in sunny California.

6.Maykl Berryman was born with a diagnosis of "gipogidroticheskaya ectodermal dysplasia," in which a person loses hair, nails and teeth and generally has the appearance of a mutant of the sci-fi movie. Actually, on the roles of mutants Berryman and specializes. Cult horror film "The Hills Have Eyes" in 1977 made it the main kinomonstrom Hollywood "Star Trek" and "Tales from the Crypt" not objective it to several seasons. But Berryman excellent plays and serious dramas ("One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"), and in the comedy Soul Plane ("Oh, this science") and hard rock fans remember him for his role as director of the school of nasty clip Motley Crue «Smokin 'in the Boys' Room ».

7.Akter with a huge jaw. Known for the films "Tango and Cash", "Maniac Cop". Robert Z'Dar (born June 3, 1950) is an American actor and producer, perhaps best known for his role as Matt Cordell of the cult horror film "Maniac Cop" and its two sequels. Because of the unique structure of his face, he is often referred to as "Jaws."

8.Vinsent Andrew Skyavelli American actor of Sicilian origin, known mainly for occasional roles in films and television series. Unusual texture Skyavelli (1.98 m tall, elongated head with specific facial features, long hands with long, slender fingers, etc.) was due to Marfan syndrome. Therefore, the artist mainly offered the role of mentally ill people with deformities or roles in which comically played upon the details of such appearance.

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