Supermodels are now receiving fabulous fees. Thank Russian! That Russian beauties, emigrant early XX century transformed the work model of slave labor in the prestigious and well-paid employment.
After the violent upheavals of the early XX century Europe began to recover. In Paris, lost in the First World War a great number of men were many immigrants from revolutionary Russia. Educated, educated, well-speaking French. Wealthy Americans come here for the modes and are willing to spend big money on what used to be theirs could not. Russian aristocrat, seeking a livelihood and who know the laws of fashion, become models, mannequins for Parisian fashion houses.They show clothes not only in fashion houses themselves, but also at social events, becoming owners of brands. Russian beauty, aristocratic upbringing, charm and the ability to present themselves bring huge revenue French fashion houses.
Natalie Paley

The first Russian beauty who has gone from a dummy to a film star in Hollywood. Natalie Paley was born in 1905. Her father was Grand Duke Paul, Prince of the Romanov dynasty, the son of Emperor Alexander II. Her father and brother were killed during the revolution, she's with her mother and sister in 1920 left Soviet Russia and moved to Paris.
Her sister married a brother of Irina Yusupova, who with her husband Felix opened the fashion house "IRFE." From birth willful, independent, beauty and grace like her mother, Natalia decided to work as a model in the fashion houses' Itebej "and" IRFE. "Very quickly, the princess model won fashionable Paris, she began to imitate, she became queen of fashion. Coco Chanel recommended Natalie prestigious model house Lucien Lelong, whom Natalie soon married. The further fate of the beautiful success marked the beginning of the stereotype of modern socialite. Throwing Lelong, went to Hollywood, married Broadway producer John Wilson. Loud affair with Eric Remarque, friendship with Paul Chelishchev, dancer Serge Lifar ("Russian Seasons"), Salvador Dali and Jean Cocteau. She has repeatedly appeared on the cover of Vogue, her name is given to the spirits of the company Lelong.
Maria Eristov

Maria (Mary) Eristov was born in 1895 in Tbilisi, but from an early age she lived in St. Petersburg. Her father, a Georgian prince Prokofi Shervashidze met in the State Duma. She was a maid of honor of the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Mary and her sister Tamara, too beautiful, were the focus of St. Petersburg society. Nicholas II, struck by her beauty, said: "It is a sin, the princess, to be so beautiful." After the Revolution, and his father's death Maria goes to the Caucasus, where marries Prince Lancer Gigushu Eristov. Then in Paris. In 1925, the beauty of Mary Eristov invited to work in Chanel. Gabrielle Chanel then patronized all Russian. Mary Eristov - fragile brunette represented the type of beauty, fashion in the 20s and the approach to the style of Chanel those years, besides Coco impressed that her work "true Russian princess." Profession of models in that era was "speaking". It was necessary in several foreign languages to tell my clients about is the model features fabric cut or trim. Therefore, Mary, who knew 3 languages, was very much appreciated.
Ghali Bazhenov

Father Ghali Bazhenova General Konstantin Hagondokov was the commander of the Second Brigade of the Wild Division. He was one of the Kabardino. Her mother Elizabeth Bredow came from a family Polabian Slavs. Ghali attended the Smolny Institute. During the First World War, married Nicholas Bazhenov, pupil of the Corps of Pages. Ghali Bazhenov was quite tall, blonde, she has repeatedly appeared in fashion magazines in Paris, who called it "the Russian beauty Bazhenov." She then worked for a time in the house of Chanel prikazchitsey, and in 1928 opened her own fashion house "Elmis" who was involved in evening dress with embroidery and lace. Models she also had Russian - Shura Delyanina, Katyusha Ioannina (daughter of Colonel of the Imperial Army). Gali and helped her brother, godson Emperor Nicholas II, George Hogondokov. George, not devoid of artistic talent, drew sketches for future models.
In the 1930s, including due to the global financial crisis, the fashion house Ghali Bazhenova locked, and she will soon be married to Count de Lyuar to adopt Catholicism and will take the name of Irene. During the Second World War, her son from her first marriage, Nikolai will fight in the ranks of the American army, and she is actively involved in the French resistance, and respond to work mobile hospital in the army of de Gaulle, for which he received the Legion of Honor.
Nina and Mia Obolensky

Russian models of the time of emigration were Nina and Princess Mia Obolensky, girl from a noble princely family Obolensky, rooted to Rurikovich - the first ruler of the Russian lands. Their mother was Caucasian princess, from her they inherited a kind of oriental beauty. The eldest princess, Nina, was born in 1898 in St. Petersburg, the younger Mia (Salome) in 1902. Initially, the sisters worked as a model in the fashion house "Paul Kare". Nina married a former Colonel of the Life Guards Lancer Regiment Konstantin Balashov, Mia - for Prince Vladimir Shakhovsky. Both of them then divorced with her first husband. Their career began to decline in the 30s, when the vogue blonde.
Thea (Catherine) Bobrikov

Famous Russian model 1930 will be Thea (Catherine) Bobrikov. From 1927 to 1934 she worked in the fashion house Lanvin Jeanne. And her example has created its own fashion house - "Catherine Parel." Parel means "to make it the most." The fashion house of Catherine Bobrikov survive until 1948. And like the big fashion houses house "Catherine Parel" also created two, however, are small collections a year. The house "Catherine Parel" worked 69 employees helped her and her husband - Nicholas Poretsky. Among the clients of the house of Catherine Bobrikov were famous Parisian actress of the time - Michelle Morgan, Liz Goti. House "Catherine Parel" designed costumes for the movie - including dresses for the film "The Pastoral Symphony", which was awarded at the Cannes Film Festival. In the fashion house, founded by Thea Bobrikov also found jobs and many Russian models of the time, for example, Tamara Longines, Princess Maria Meshcherskaya, famous while Lud Fedoseyeva.
People Fedoseyeva

Very popular and highest paid Russian fashion model, almost super-model in exile. Worked in occupied France, was considered the main rival models III Reich. Her career directly related to the development of fashion photography, which had already become an important tool of marketing of fashion. Photosets made open it P.Horstom Horst, Edward Shteyhenom, George Hoyningen Hyune, did not descend from the pages of «Vogue» and «Harper's Bazaar». People actively shot for magazines and advertising. Fought for her eternal rival Elsa Schiaparelli and Coco Chanel. Photo Lude Fedoseyeva dress in antique style made Horst, is now considered a model of how to shoot fashion.
On the eve of the liberation of Paris went to Argentina and came back and left without work and past glory. It is possible that the French have not forgiven her, like Coco Chanel, "closeness" with the Nazis. And in the 50-ies. former star of the catwalk and magazines she worked first as a clerk in one of the airlines, and then the housekeeper in the emigre nursing home.
It is possible, however, that the past Luda Fedoseyeva is not to blame, and it simply was a victim of changing fashions.
Oia Gay (Lady Abdi)

Of Russian beauties in the interwar period occupies a special place Lady Abdi, statuesque blonde with bright blue eyes. Oia G. Ge Slovyansk born August 8, 1903 in the family of a famous actor of the Imperial Theatre of Alexandria, Gregory G. Gay and dramatic actress Novikova. Rhode Ge French origin gave the famous Russian artist Nikolai Nikolaevich Ge. Great-grandfather, Yee was a Frenchman, who had fled to Russia during the French Revolution. Without a doubt, Oia G. inherited artistic talent ancestors, and it affected her fate and help become a standard of taste and beauty in Paris in 20-30 s. He moved with his mother and stepfather in St. Petersburg, went to Oia G. Pavlovsky Institute. The war caught Oia with his mother in Germany, where they were able to move to Switzerland. In Europe, Oia married Dutch businessman, who, however, has not fared particularly well, and bore him two children. Being in financial difficulty, she went to the Champs Elysees to the Callot sisters - to look for work. They tried a couple of dresses and offered a job "dummy" and pay 450 francs with breakfast. It was a way out. There's also noticed her client-English, but in the house "Callot" was very strict, he refused, saying that in their house with the girls meet. However, they meet by chance in a restaurant - and her second husband was Robert Edward Ii Abdi, the fifth baronet wealthy aristocratic family. After her divorce from Robert Abdi in 1928 she, preserving the noble title, and was invited to the very Coco Chanel develop models in her fashion house. Oia is considered the standard of elegance, her portraits are often published in "Vogue" and other fashion magazines, large houses offered her dress for social outputs. She is often invited to secular masquerades and parties who then arranged in Paris restless zhuir Count Cyril de Beaumont. Later Oia Abdi fascinated theater, participated in performances, was friends with Jean Cocteau, Serge Lifar, Tatiana Ryabushinskaya and Felix Yusupov. Tall, stately blue-eyed blonde with a perfect posture and proud face, she knew her worth.
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