Dissatisfied with their appearance Japanese pornstar Rina Nanas, known to fans of adult movies under the pseudonym of Rumi Kanda took a few plastic surgeries that result began to look like a fairy tale characters from the books by JK Rowling - Dobby.
Despite the fact that the former servant of the family Malfoy, Dobby, is an integral part of the Harry Potter books, there are not many people who want to look like the character. But Japanese porn actress Rina Nanas (Rina Nanase) so absorbed improving its appearance, that without even knowing it, has gradually turned into a house-elf. Rina Nanas to operations reports Metro, the girl who starred in adult films under the pseudonym Rumi Kanda, dedicated plastic surgery for several months, during which doctors "corrected" form of her nose, chin and eyes. admiration for its transformation actress posted pictures of the new entity to Twitter, anticipating fans rave reviews. however, common sense prevailed over the blind adoration - the fans, and behind them and other users of social networks, criticized Rina, noting that in an effort to change his appearance, it has gone too far. "She looked great, and before the operation was particularly good - wrote forum member. - What's wrong with it now? " During a discussion, one of the commentators remarked that now pornstar definitely resembles Dobby from the Harry Potter books. Dobby nickname fantastic character had the Japanese like Nanas and thus turned into a brownie. Rina itself is not happy from this comparison and said that the changes were not as striking. According offended ridicule Japanese women, unflattering leave detractors envious of her beauty and updated that it is "an idol of his era." In order to prove the sincerity of his words and convince everyone of the need to performed transactions, girl looked your pictures at the age of 17 years, and then pointed to the obvious flaws. "Before, I looked thick - she uttered during the study posted on the website of comparative photographs. - And I had completely invisible beady eyes. "

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